Missoula Children’s Theatre



School Play with Missoula Children’s Theatre: February 24 – March 1, 2025

Missoula Children’s Theatre will be returning to Hillcrest in February for a production of Rumpelstiltskin. If you’ve never experienced MCT, it is a whirlwind week of fun that is not to be missed! This traveling theater company brings directors, sets, costumes and original scripts to guide participating students through a week-long intensive theater experience at our school.

There will be auditions on Monday 2/24, rehearsals all week for students who are cast, and two live shows on Saturday 3/1. More information about the show, along with permission slips and payment information will be sent home in February 2025, or you can sign up online below.

Audition/Rehearsal Permission Slip – Click here to fill out a Google form by February 23 if your child plans to audition. Paper forms will be made available in January for those who prefer to sign up that way.

Volunteer Sign-Up – We ask all adults with a child cast in the play to strive to sign up for one volunteer slot during the week. This will ensure a stress-free experience for students, the MCT team, and our audience of cheering family members! We have volunteer slots to fit all time commitments and abilities. Click here to sign up, and thank you in advance.

What is Missoula Children’s Theatre and how can I get involved?

Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) is the nation’s largest touring children’s theater, and a beloved tradition at Hillcrest. The MCT tour team arrives in their “little red truck” loaded with scripts, set, costumes, props, everything it takes to put on a play … except the cast. The team holds an open audition and casts students to perform in the production. The show is rehearsed throughout the week and two public performances are presented on Saturday. The show can usually accommodate up to 60 student performers and assistant directors.

*Like many Hillcrest endeavors, MCT is only possible with help from our families. We ask that all adults who have a student in the play strive to sign up for one volunteer shift during the week. There are volunteer opportunities to fit every skill and time commitment.*

For more information, contact hillcrestmct@gmail.com.

Auditions – Monday, February 24th

Auditions for Rumpelstiltskin will be on Monday, February 24, 2025 from 3:00-5:00pm. All grades (K-8) may audition and no advance preparation is necessary! Approximately 50-60 students will be cast. Student assistant directors will also be selected to aid in rehearsals throughout the week, and to take on essential backstage responsibilities.

Those auditioning should go directly to the multi-purpose room after school and plan to stay for the full two hours. BACR students can audition as well. Some of the older cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition. Students must be able to attend the whole audition afternoon, and all rehearsals, if they wish to participate in MCT.

Audition Permission Slip


Our MCT Actor/Directors will conduct rehearsals in the Hillcrest multi-purpose room throughout the week as follows:

  • Monday 2/24, 5:15-7:15pm (younger cast members dismissed at 5:00pm after auditions)
  • Tuesday 2/25, 3:00-7:15pm (younger cast members dismissed at 5:00pm)
  • Wednesday 2/26, 1:30-5:45pm (younger cast members dismissed at 3:30pm)
  • Thursday 2/27, 3:00-7:15pm (younger cast members dismissed at 5:00pm)
  • Friday 2/28, 3:00-7:15pm (younger cast members dismissed at 5:00pm)
  • Saturday 3/1, 1:30-3:00pm (pre-show prep)


Rumpelstiltskin will be presented on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 3:00pm and 5:00 pm in the multi-purpose room at Hillcrest. There are no tickets required to attend the show.

The theater program will cost approximately $35 per student – that covers a week of professional theater training and after-school activities! But most importantly, your child will have the opportunity to gain self-confidence, bond with students from other grades, and participate in a performance for the Hillcrest community. If the cost is a barrier, please contact us – no one is turned away for lack of funds. We will follow up with families of students cast in the play to collect payment.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Gloria Bruce at hillcrestmct@gmail.com.