President *
- Acts as the liaison with the Principal
- Coordinates with all Board members, officers, and committees of the PTA
- Leads Board meetings and general meetings
- Appoints the recording secretary, parliamentarian, chairmen, and members of committees, subject to ratification of the executive board
- Interacts with National PTA, other local PTA chapters, and the district on issues affecting Hillcrest
- Acts as the spokesperson for the Hillcrest PTA at district meetings
- Writes a weekly column in the Yellow Pages
- Signs checks
- Has all contract and/or legally binding documents approved by the association, prior to any two elected officers signing a contract
Secretary *
- Keeps an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the association and the Board in a bound book, which is the legal record of this PTA
- Is prepared to refer to minutes of previous meetings
- Prepares a list of all unfinished business for the President’s use
- With the President, signs all warrants authorizing fund expenditures following approval by the association or Board and records all expenditures in the minutes
- Keeps a current list of the paid members of the association provided by the membership chairman
- Keeps a current copy of the bylaws and standing rules
- Conducts all necessary correspondence of the association upon authorization of the President, Board, or association
- Sends out notices of executive Board meetings
Parliamentarian *
- Attends all meetings (Board and general) and gives advice on parliamentary procedure when needed
- Puts together a nominating committee, calls the first meeting of the nominating committee, conducts elections of chair, and gives instructions in procedure
- Chairs the bylaws committee and reviews bylaws and standing rules annually
- Periodically, the state puts out a new version of the bylaws and then each PTA needs to adapt it to their own situation. A committee should be formed and revisions made. Once approved by the committee, changes to the bylaws need to be announced and posted, giving membership 30 days notice before voting on their adoption
Financial Secretary *
- Organizes and deposits all checks
- Keeps an accurate account of all monies received
- Gives a copy of the receipt/deposit slip for all monies received to the Treasurer
- Handles any parent inquiries with regard to proffered checks by the parent
Treasurer *
- Keeps permanent books of account and records that have sufficient enough information for them to be reviewed by auditors, or members of the California or National PTA, if requested
- The treasurer writes the checks and does payroll; Signs all checks and secures two signatures on all checks
- The treasurer creates a schedule of pay periods and payroll procedure sheet, which are distributed to the employees
- The treasurer keeps a spreadsheet of how many hours employees have worked. In March/April, she notifies everyone of their remaining hours so they can plan when their programs finish up for the year
- Receives and retains a copy of deposit slips for any deposits made
- The treasurer prepares and presents a financial report at each meeting
- Keeps the membership informed of expenditures as they relate to the budget adopted by the association
- Unbudgeted expenses up to $1,000 can be approved by the board, anything over that needs to be approved by the board and then voted on by the membership, giving them at least 7 days notice of the vote
- Fills out and forwards all necessary reports forms required by the California State PTA for insurance and for filing all tax returns and other forms required by government agencies
- Makes an annual financial report to the association which includes gross receipts and disbursements for the year
Auditor *
- Conducts a mid-year (January) and year-end (June) audit of the PTA books
- Coordinates with the Treasurer to get the necessary paperwork
- Prepares a written report to the Board and presents it at the January and September meetings
- Audits the books immediately upon resignation of the treasurer or financial secretary or at any time deemed necessary
- Responsible for the monthly bank reconciliations
Historian *
- Documents PTA events through words or photos
- Assembles and preserves a record of the activities, achievements, and volunteer hours of the association
- Acts as the custodian of records and other materials pertinent to the history of the association
- Prepares and submits the District Annual Historian’s Report to the District PTA
1st VP – Chair of Curriculum & Personnel *
- Manages all aspects of PTA sponsored curriculum support, both personnel and supplies
- Works with the Principal and curriculum liaisons to determine PTA staffing needs; recruits, hires, and manages PTA paid positions
- Writes the contracts for PTA employees and independent contractors, and makes two copies that are both signed by the PTA and the employee
- Keeps track of how many hours employees worked to ensure personnel costs stay within budget
- Distributes other forms to employees, including contact form, tax forms, etc.
- Works closely with Treasurer on payroll issues
- Manages supplementary foreign language programs
- If the President is unable to perform his/her duties, the Chair of Curriculum & Personnel is the first in line to perform the duties of the President
2nd VP – Chair of Programs *
- Organizes PTA sponsored activities for parents and children; these events are not intended to raise money for the PTA
- Organizes the all school end of year picnic
- Prepares a written mid-year committee report for the PTA Board
3rd VP – Chair of Membership *
- Ensures the correct orientation packet forms are available on the Hillcrest website for the new school year
- Drafts a letter that is included on the Hillcrest website soliciting annual fund donations from Hillcrest families for a suggested $535 per child
- Suggests to all donors who have employer match programs to submit paperwork for matching contributions
- Collects and records PTA membership dues and donations
- Sends out thank you letters to all donors with a tax ID number (this is a legal requirement)
- Keeps records of PTA membership to give the Secretary
- Prepares a written mid-year committee report for the PTA Board
4th VP – Chair of Communications *
- Assembles a group of volunteer Hillcrest Newsletter editors, and supervises the weekly editing of the Newsletter; sends the draft Newsletter to the Principal and the PTA President
- Provides a form for the orientation packet that instructs parents and guardians on how to make changes to the online directory; gets permission from new families to have their information listed in the online directory
5th VP – Chair of Gardens & Facilities *
- Oversees any upgrades and maintenance to the gardens and eco-team programs
- Makes recommendations for garden and eco-team activities and budget expenditures
6th VP – Chair of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion *
- Acts as liaison between PTA and Principal/Administration on matters of DEI
- Advises other PTA positions and committees on considering equity and accessibility in Hillcrest activities and programs
- Convenes the DEI steering committee (composed of family members and Hillcrest staff) which plans programming, training, and works with the school’s chosen consultant
- Acts as resource for parents/caregivers who have questions about DEI or are encountering challenges
Room Parent Coordinator
- Distributes information at the beginning of the year to train the room parents
- Point person for all communications to the room parents
- Generates the class parent/guardian volunteer sign up sheets that are put out at the back to school coffee and the first PTA meeting; works with the teachers and PTA staff to tailor the sign up sheets to fit the needs of each teacher
- Distributes the class sign up sheets to the teachers before the back to school night
- Maintains a document of the volunteers for each classroom
Hospitality Coordinator
- Organizes the kindergarten ice cream social, the back to school coffee, the school-wide ice cream social, coffee and treats at PTA meetings/events
- Often works with room parents (through the head room parent) to have the different classes provide the snacks for each meeting
- Organizes the teacher appreciation luncheon and flower arrangements in the spring
Benefit Chair
- Coordinates the annual PTA Benefit Auction party held in November
- Puts together a committee to assist with all details of the Benefit
- Coordinates the solicitation of donations from businesses and individuals
- Maintains a detailed record of all Benefit expenses and income, and reports regularly to the PTA Board
Benefit Chair Elect
- Acts as right-hand to Benefit Chair to ensure a seamless transition from one year to the next; assists with Benefit activities
- Chairs the fundraising committee for the annual Walkathon and Carnival
- Coordinates the solicitation of donations from businesses and individuals
- Oversees all marketing activities, fundraising activities, PR to the students and the Hillcrest community, etc., to generate enthusiasm and boost revenues
- Coordinates the logistics for the event, including securing booths, arranging food through Village Market or another supplier, getting raffle prizes, training the kids to raise money, overseeing a t-shirt contest, etc.
- Reports the revenues back to the PTA Board — responsible for maintaining that the event meets revenue targets and expense items
Walkathon Chair Elect
- Acts as right-hand to Walkathon Chair to ensure a seamless transition from one year to the next; assists with Walkathon activities
Merchant Programs
- Researches and educates the Hillcrest community how to sign up for electronic loyalty programs that benefit Hillcrest (e.g., Minted, Sports Basement, Office Depot)
- Point person for the Amazon Shopping Program
- Identifies and initiates additional online and offline merchant partnership opportunities
- Organizes Family Dine Out events, as requested
Community Service Coordinator
- Identifies ways for the PTA to reach out to organizations in our community, as well as other Oakland public schools to provide support and partnership
- Keeps the Hillcrest community informed about PTA sponsored volunteer opportunities
- Solicits proposals for potential recipients of the Benefit’s Community Outreach project, presents the proposals to the Board
- Works with Walkathon Chair to promote a Community Service project at the Walkathon
- Works with the community service volunteer in each class to come up with an age-appropriate community service project
- Maintains and updates the public Hillcrest PTA website
- Works with school staff and the PTA Board to add and update content on the website
- Coordinates info distribution with the Hillcrest Newsletter coordinator
Library Liaison
- Assesses needs of the library and acts as oversight for PTA sponsored Library expenditures
- Coordinates activities of parent library volunteers both during class library times and others
- Assists in finding/hiring librarian when necessary
- Manages the Birthday book library donation program
Arts & Music Liaison
- Coordinates getting parent volunteer art assistants to work with art teachers in the classrooms as necessary
- Assists in finding/hiring art/music teachers when necessary
- Works with curriculum chair to approve any purchases for art/music teachers
- Advises classroom art project volunteers for the auction/benefit as requested
- Coordinates volunteers and helps prepare for the Spring Art and Music Shows
Technology Liaison
- Makes recommendations for technology curriculum and budget expenditures
- Acts as ongoing liaison/contact person for Technology teacher to address ongoing needs, throughout the year
- Acts as ongoing liaison/contact person for any school-wide IT/Technology expenditures and projects that are PTA funded
- Assists in finding/hiring Technology teacher when necessary
Science Liaison
- Makes recommendations for science curriculum and budget expenditures
- Checks in with Middle School science teacher to find out what is needed for the school year
- Assists Middle School science teacher as appropriate, including helping with inventory at the beginning and/or end of the school year
- Assists in finding/hiring science teachers when necessary
- Communicates health and environmental news and information to the community
Middle School Representative
- Acts as the liaison between the Middle School and the PTA. Attends PTA Board meetings, Middle School advisory committee meetings, and any other MS meetings as necessary
- Point person for all communications with Middle School parents
- Recruits parent volunteers for a multitude of positions (for example, MS Treasurer, Community Service Leads, Field Trip Liaison, MS Sports Coordinator, Graduation Coordinator, in addition to coordinators for MS fundraisers)
- Supports the chairs of the five MS fundraisers, which currently include: Halloween Pumpkin patch/Bake sale, Kids’ night out, MS dances/social activities, Friday lunch fundraiser, Emergency supply packets. Funds go primarily to offset costs for the annual 4-day/3-night middle school field trip.
- Makes recommendations on Middle School budget expenditures
- Updates the Middle School Handbook as needed.
Legislative Liaison
- Share PTA Legislative Alerts with PTA members.
- Take action on Legislative Alerts from California State PTA and National PTA and encourage other PTA members to do the same.
- Establish contacts with local individuals, groups, organizations and agencies to develop sources of information on local and statewide issues that affect the school, families and community.
- Maintain current contact information for all elected representatives in your area: U.S. Senators, U.S. Congress member, State Senator, State Assembly member, city council members, and school board members.
* voting position