As part of the Oakland Unified School District, Hillcrest receives funding from OUSD. However, due to Hillcrest’s high test scores and socioeconomic base, there is state and local funding for specific educational purposes for which Hillcrest is not eligible, and rightly so. After several years of discussion, study, and evaluation, the Hillcrest PTA concluded that one of the best ways to enrich our children’s education was to provide programs and specialists to work with the Hillcrest staff in particular areas. This is done in close coordination with the Hillcrest principal. Programs include Library, Music, Technology, and Spanish, including PTA staff or contracted vendors to provide student instruction. Additional roles funded by the PTA include a Mental Health Specialist, Reading Specialist, STIP Teacher, and Kindergarten Aide. This chart provides an overview of how PTA funds are spent:
The PTA funds these programs mainly through an annual auction, a walkathon, a donation letter, and merchant programs. Your support for these fundraising efforts directly benefits the children of Hillcrest School. This chart provides an overview of how PTA funds are sourced:
The PTA encourages every family to participate in the PTA, and in the school itself. As a group, families contribute over 6,500 volunteer hours to our PTA in a typical year, which is invaluable to our students and school community. Become actively involved by serving on a committee such as: Community Service, Emergency Preparedness, Facilities & Playground, Membership, Programming, Fundraising (Benefit & Walkathon), Communications (Hillcrest Newsletter), Arts & Music, and Technology. Learn more about volunteering at Hillcrest.